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Donations to Help Individuals Experiencing Homelessness

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Donation Amount
Donor Information
By checking this box, your donation will be kept anonymous where applicable. However, we will need a name and email for tax, reporting and receipt purposes where required by law.
Payment Information
*  no spaces or hyphens
* security code on the back of your card
$0.00 Thank you!

The City of Newport Beach is a governmental subdivision of the State of California and a Charter City duly organized under Article XI of the California Constitution. Accordingly, your contribution to support the City’s effort to address homelessness qualifies as tax-deductible pursuant to Sections 170(a)(1) and 170(c)(1) of Title 26 of the United States Code, and Sections 24357(a) and 24359(a) of the California Revenue & Taxation Code. Please consult with your tax professional to determine the extent to which your donation may qualify as tax-deductible.